“The first secret of getting what you want is knowing what you want.”

Arthur D. Hlavaty.


Buying your next home may be something you have done once, rarely or many times. My role is to guide you through the process, ensuring that the transition is smooth and you are fully informed along the way. 

Stronger together when you work with Carol buying your next home

Think of it as having a voice of experience when buying your next home, working for you, working with you, and taking you through each progressive step of the moving house transition. 

The focus is on you. 

What do want, where do you want to go, what is your budget, when do you want to be in your new home?

It’s a journey of questions and experiences as we discover the answers and find your new home.

Together we work through the process, you are guided but not pushed.

The decisions and choices you make are your choices and decisions.

The timeframe is up to you, what suits you, at your pace.

It may seem hard, leaving your current home, the memories plus the whole sorting through all your belongings and possibly, your childrens belongings and your own parents belongings. 

I understand. 


Before You Buy, What Do You Need to Do?

Do you Buy first, Sell first or try and do both at the same time?

Getting your home ready to sell is a step in the process that Carol can guide you through.

It seems like one decision after another. 

It is one decision after another but you have someone by your side along the path, who helps, has a laugh and never judges. 

We begin with where you want to go. We have guides for this too. It’s a series of thoughts that can feel like a maze until you get clarity and find there is a solution that gets you straight to the finish. 

As simple as knowing the costs involved in buying your next home and who else you should be speaking with professionally. Your financial planner and your accountant should be on your list too. Stamp duty is definitely something you want to chat to your financial planner about – before you buy.

After all, they do say that knowing where you want to go is half the battle.

Of course, it’s easier if you already know where you want to go, you’ve already been through the dreaming and now it’s time for doing.

I have a plan for you, a process to guide you on your journey. It’s fairly simple and I have taken many clients down the same path. 

You get what you want, because really, isn’t it time for that to happen?

Dreaming of Buying Your Next Home

Suggestions, where have you been for a weekend or a holiday and thought that it would be a good place to live?

Go back and look at it with fresh eyes. Does it have the facilities you want?

Once you have walked to the shop and bought the paper to read, what else is there to do?

Do you have friends close by or is the house big enough for them to stay overnight, maybe space for them to park their caravan?

Can your pet come too? When you have visited before you probably had someone mind your pets. Your new area may have restrictions and it would be nice to find out before you buy.

We work too long and too hard to get it wrong. No impulsive buys. No wasting your hard earned money to find out it was a mistake and you want to move somewhere else.

Speak with me and we can sort through your options, an independent voice.